WORK PACKAGE 1 – Inception & Baseline
WP1 “Inception & Baseline” will analyse existing international activities, actions and programmes, and identify gaps, overlaps and common needs through a scientific sound and realistic set of metrics. This will lead to a profound understanding of the existing landscape.
The WP1 will identify criteria and metrics allowing to map and classify the existing initiatives, actions and stakeholders involved along the life cycle of non-energy and abiotic raw materials. Criteria will include the material focus, criticality, the step in the value chain (exploration, mining, production, re-use, use, recycling, end-of-life…), and the target audience.
It will create an overview of the availability of information and statistics on primary and secondary raw materials, their use and needs in various industrial sectors important for European economy and society, from already existing databases and other data.
United Nations University (UNU) | Coordinator and Work Package Leader
EFG | EGS | UNU | UL | MatSearch | TUC | UNI KASSEL | GDW | SGC | MinPol | LPRC